Meet Kathleen! She goes extra mile to make your Tanzania adventure unforgettable

Meet Kathleen! She goes extra mile to make your Tanzania adventure unforgettable

I am a nature lover…

Take a moment to close your eyes and consider the sights, sounds, and smells that you imagine when you think about being in nature. Perhaps you see a tiny trail meander through a dense forest or smell blooming wildflowers as you summit a mountain peak. Maybe you feel the fresh ocean breeze blow through your hair as you dip your toes in the sand or hear the rush of a flowing waterfall as you paddle around the bend.

I am a nature lover. Guess what! Tanzania has everything I can dream about. There’s more to spending time in nature than just stepping outside. Nature teaches us how to adapt to new conditions, reminds us that the earth is always changing, and shows us the beauty in simplicity. It helps us disconnect from the stresses of daily life and focus on finding peace and purpose in a chaotic world. Mother Nature teaches us something new every day, and there are countless ways to soak in the spirit of the outdoors.

Lafayette Expeditions was created with love, to offer the authentic Tanzania holidays experience. We love Tanzania! Our team will always go the extra mile to make your journey unforgettable. Since the first moment you contact us, until it’s time to say goodbye, we will be there with you. We have dedicated all our efforts into building a team that we can proudly say are the best of the best. Extremely professional and experienced but at the same time cheerful, talkative, funny and as flexible as it gets.

If you are planning your trip with us, visit our excursions list to make your holidays more enjoyable. Let’s hear from you today!

Kathleen Kitira,

Lafayette Expeditions, Product Manager

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