Tanzania bans the use of plastic bags

Tanzania bans the use of plastic bags

Important: your action is required!

The Tanzanian government has officially announced a ban on the entry of all plastic carrier bags according to a press statement from the Vice President’s office. The May 16, 2019 statement titled: “Notice To Travelers Planning To Visit Tanzania,” said the government was going to set up a special desk at entry points to enforce the measure.

The statement read in part: “The Government of Tanzania wishes to make an official note to travellers planning to travel to Tanzania that from 1st June 2019 all plastic carrier bags, regardless of their thickness will be prohibited from being imported, exported, manufactured, sold, stored, supplied and used in mainland Tanzania.”

Currently, less than 10% of the world’s production is recycled. One thing’s for sure: the use of plastic is both an environmental catastrophe and a horrible eyesore – especially when set against the natural beauty of the Tanzanian landscape.

We strongly advise you for your journey to Tanzania to avoid carrying plastic carrier bags or packing plastic carrier bags in your suitcase when travelling. Special desks at all entry points are designated for surrender of plastic carrier bags which visitors might bring into the country. Replacements will be in the form of environmentally-friendly, biodegradable bags and these will shortly be available in Tanzania. Visitors arriving with any other plastic bags will have to surrender them on arrival and will be provided with alternatives. Please note, plastic packaging for medical services, foodstuff and sanitary are not prohibited. The same applies for the well-known zip-lock bags, which you can still use to carry toiletries.

Help Tanzania to remain beautiful – so do not bring any single-use plastic bags into the country!

Lafayette Expeditions Team

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